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1 Posts |
Posted - 07/22/2011 : 05:19:15
professional level we are investigating to implement a raft of irrigated water, and use their BonB energgia to move, and I will tell you eat has been [url=]calderas de gas, calderas a gas, instalador de gas, calderas de gas, caldera madrid[/url]
[url=]calderas de gas, calderas a gas, instalador de gas, calderas de gas, caldera madrid[/url]
129 Posts |
Posted - 08/05/2011 : 19:49:58
Now a F/P "Smartmotor" is stuck out front ,on a telescopic-strut;pulled outwards, to tension the chain;which connects 100T to a cluster 14-20::mounted on the 2.5cm shaft. Nice 'crunchy'grind, with a whisteling sound as the chain-drive spins it What I've found on my quest to do things @ 'local-level' with minimal tools is :: starting with a racheting hub ~ remove everything including the ratchet :: the internal diameter is just over 2.5cm ,so it fits the shaft, a bit slack,~ which could be filled various ways :: the screw-in end-cap, with a fluted engager can be ground out ,using a hand held 'Dremel' tool,to fit~concentrically.::a pin is fitted in a hole drilled in the shaft,to drive the splined hub via recesses ground into the hardened steel with the little grinding disc & a lot of screaming metal! All that little bit of grinding could be done by hand,with the right grindstone & perserverence. So here it is : ready to be wired to a load then watch the Volts & Amps turn into WATTS. Next event in this city is at a University a SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING EDUCATOR is going to 'workshop' Cuba's experience of an ENERGY REVOLUTION. We are learning, listening, reading the 'writing on the wall'.& I'm squeeking away in this far-flung blog on the obscure fringe of a miniscule niche ~ yes you! ;you ihpva fanatics. Far from the respondent to another post ~ his outcry ~ "Why would you bother :: don't you know, the gasoline engine was invented 200 years ago, just for this ~ get a Briggs&Stratton" ~ Paradigms shift as critical-mass of comprehension passes the 101 monkey point. This mysterious machine is still 're-inventing' itself as each time I try another evolution ~ the resolution of other problems sometimes are revealed ~ new arrangements ~ particularly, bayonet-fitting assembly of optional drives ~ crank hand/foot ~ ic motor /elec /belt / PTO.
"The Painting has a life of it's own-I just try to let it come through" [Jackson Pollock}
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Posted - 08/10/2011 : 03:33:55
The long awaited doco maker has appeared!~ soon ~ Using a basketball hoop,with a tang to fit in the 35RHS ::makes a net-bag for your sweater,as you warm up & strip off, located conveniently nearby.One must consider the needs of the athlete. Yes getting increasingly fiddely,optional extras. Details of particular properties required for effective operation. This is the "NON STOP'" ~ "DAY & NIGHT" ~ machine. To thicken ice ; make a hole & pump onto the thin-ice when temp is sub-zero, to make skating 'black-ice' or a helo-pad, or make an iceberg for summer.
"satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life". [Linus Pauling]
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129 Posts |
Posted - 08/10/2011 : 03:59:44
Two photos are at > human powered pedal pump~; How do I post photos here?
"All you need to do to recieve guidance is to ask for it then listen". [Sanaya Roman]
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Posted - 08/11/2011 : 22:51:33
Finally you can, view the pictures of this thing on, the website is starting to happen.Have a look.
"True life is lived,when tiny changes occur" [Leo Tolstiy]
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Posted - 08/18/2011 : 04:48:59
This time I mean it ~ there are some pictures of "TWOHORSEPUMP" the two person ~ human powered ~ continuous operation ~ lowlift axial flow turbine .Standing on it's telescopic red legs with the pump hanging from the green beam & fork. All those chain//turnbuckle stays &guys holding derricks on goosenecks. Laterals ,decks,belays for downhauls,lashing points & lifting eyes::ALL SERVES A PURPOSE::no aesthetics,just functional~do you see anything superfluous?Gratuitous? Frivolous?Mystefying? ~ All will be explained ~ I'm on a mission ~SEE~ sustainable engineering education!
"We learn to do something by doing it."[[John Holt Educator.]]
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Posted - 08/23/2011 : 16:04:56
13300 openings in this thread.Somebody must be reading this. I wonder if,I wonder why;do you need to move water?What for?How do you do it now? Do you see the point of what I'm doing? Well I'm taking a break~it's "bushweek" in a little obscure place,"Hidden Valley" the endurance horse ride is on,100s of Ks' on wilderness trails, so horses//dogs//kids & a mob get together~great atmosphere,sleeping under the stars,listening to horses & dogs 'talk'. Not quite "Human-powered=Vehicles" but they got no motors. See Blogspot ~> onetonpump & for pictures.
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Posted - 08/30/2011 : 19:44:53
pump cycle,human lifting device,human powered@blogspot for your chance to reply & say what you think.For me :: I have a hurdle for this idea to leap from a quirky prototype to productive tool 'out-there'! My "wish-list" is to collaborate with someone & a team in this 'glittering city',with an industrial fringe to test first then make more,or what? This is an arcane topic in an obscure niche,experts in this field are rare,even comprehending the significance of lifting appreciable quantities of water to 2m is not an issue for most people; except the 'sinking sailor' & desperate irrigator,but razzle-dazzle splish-splash in gyms & interactive education will happen.This design is "OUT",you can see pictures & the description given here reveals new perceptions ~The Enduro-Horses went 400km in five days~ Good transport up & down the rocky trails, I missed the Farm-Dog-Race,arriving just at the start;the sounds of delighted dogs having fun,cachophony;the big circle of a hundred horses for prize giving was a sight as all the nags eyeballed each other & called out in their way;horsetalk, so when the champ got his ribbon he "neighed" loudly:: to be immediately answered by about six others with the same sound//saying//neighing! And the Kookaburras laughed dawn & dusk,while the 'chatterbirds' twittered.The river runs;waterholes are full,vegetation is lush;beware of fire next summer!
"It always comes back to the same necessity:go deep enough & there is a bedrock of truth,however hard." ~ May Sarton.
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Posted - 09/24/2011 : 20:29:02
One step forward then four steps back~spin around & jump right over the moon! Maybe choreography for my life's dance.The dizzy daily doings of 'life in a city,whirled in a vortex of fate,here & there,surprizes are frequent,I took a risk & played a "Wildcard" ~ ~ Fate's hand dealt good fortune! I can't help it :: it's part of a mystic quest :: as well as Tech-Transfer [SEE] how to push water around.~~~~~~~~~~> soon to be seen in motion pictures on your own screen!
""Living is a form of not being sure,not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how,you begin to die a little.The artist never entirely knows.We guess. We may be wrong,but we take leap after leap in the dark"". [Agnes De Mille]
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Posted - 10/21/2011 : 16:35:37
Dizzy uncertainties prevail. Leaping in the dark,not knowing what's next. However the rig is again assembled ~ just add water ~ then when doco/video taker returns the show will go on.
""What lies behind us & what lie before us are tiny matters,compared to what lies within us""~~Ralph Waldo Emerson~~
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Posted - 10/25/2011 : 17:55:43
The book by Alan Watts ~"The Wizdom of Insecurity"~ I absorbed long ago::Now I'm 'there'! The initial impetus to make this started while I chucked buckets o bilge over head high,to reduce the certainty that the vessel would sink.Hundreds o buckets chucked = exhausting,tedious,repetitive,frustrating as I knew a better way could be found.Now I've found it & it works::a hand/foot cranked turbine to shift a ton-a-minute,to a meter with one guy,2m with two.[Figures will be published when available from more tests] The insecurity of a sinking boat is an unusual feeling::think fast,action required,your 'world' is gonna disappear,did you buy/fit/maintain that 'super new pump'?Or launch the lifeboat? Crises happen,boats will always sink,time to get this gear made & available~another collaborator arrives shortly~fresh ideas wanted & needed!
"Until we accept the fact that life is founded in mystery,we shall learn nothing". [Henry Miller]
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Posted - 11/03/2011 : 17:20:20
The script for the video is being worked on.The performers have appeared;the "PELOTON PUMP" is ready;however other issues have prority. While Bangkok floods & Camboje also;this people-powered=pump could be used to de-water in that situation.Speed to market, make it available::impetus compells::another leap ^ 'over the moon' & into the unknown ~ ~ for the purpose of providing the equipment to people with this need. Technology for WATER PURIFICATION is nearby for us to start experementing with filtering turbid water by reusable membranes,fine mesh cloth & sand-beds,we're talking designing soon to do it. Ideas are easy & this wonderful 'forum caper' is so easy,I just wonder what you think as most 'websters' are keyboard fingerers & never likely to have 'water problems'.Reply to WATER LIFTING DEVICE, HUMAN POWERED on Blogspot,where I'm trying to master the intricasies of webination. Anyway~coming to a mall/school/eco-show near you someday maybe this thing will give you a better understanding of our lifes' liquid::a vizual delight::exercize::'the feeling' of the weight & dynamics of this fleuid::then the 'ENERGY-CYCLE' is obviously revealed. SEE = Sustainable Eng Education,it's only 'nothing but a machine'. Now back to the shed to make a proto of a 'ihpv' PUSH-PUSH propulsion system for retro-fitting to kayaks & dinghies. Design done ,just do it!Make it.
~Influidcing~ "Words are a form of acition capable of influencing change"~{Ingrid Bengis}
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Posted - 11/14/2011 : 17:07:03
Make a "SPLASH",with water all lit-up internally. Take 'underwater' pictures of a face immersed in flowing liquid,falling from the one decimeter diameter pipe. Summer is here ~ cool off under the tumbling torrent that can be lifted with this device. Go to a beach,with the pump in water / pipe up hill dropping water onto a plastic sheet//strip layed on a smoothed sloping dished trough in the sand, back to the sea/pond === a water=slide======>Water runs down "Go with the flow"! Heat exchangers ~ cool one medium & heat another ~ the rate of transfer determines the effectiveness ~ cross-flow :: counter-flow ~ laminar & turbulent :: fins & foils ,all make a difference.Moving water is the essence.Leading to a pedal-powered cooler somewhere in 'the ideas bin'. Just a thought.
"As an artist it is central to be unsatisfied! This isn't greed, though it might be appitite." ~ {Lawrence Calcagno}
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Posted - 11/22/2011 : 15:07:47
Heavy rain is filling the gutter;runnning down into the sea,nearby. What a waste,but where can we keep it? The eight year long drought is over,the moist tropic streams have come southward,another wet summer of monsoon is happening. We built a desal plant near here,now we have a contract to run it,costs money & carbon aplenty;;when will we ever learn? Ah! thet's what ONETONPUMP & PELOTONPUMP are here for::it's an educational scam for surreptisiously subliminally engaging the senses of a human to realize certain features of the water stuff,to appreciate & value it.Caring for water is another issue & making it flow in another direction than down the drain/toilet/garden/your throat! We are fortunate here with water to drink straight out of a tap::others not so can use this as a component for gravity feed filtration.A WATER CLEANING DEVICE IHPPP = Int'l Human Pedal Powered Pump, has many applications [apps.] Meantime back in a studio,far-away[here] the movie makers gather,but everybody is busy,other commitments.Today I will fill the tank & make it function & maybe instead of perfectionism,I'll just shoot a rough shot to show how it works. Then a 'nitty-gritty' doco in intensely tedious detail for the 'nuts & bolts"//why's & wherefores'//an instruction manual for making+using+maintenance.Specially for you with the wherewithall to do it. Or the right MAKER may contact me?Random opportunities go begging, 'Saggitarian' ideas are flying like arrows in the 'cyber-sky';I love the freedoms of expressions of this webdom,who are you out there,why are you reading this obfuscation? Or is a message getting to you?
"It's a Wonderful World" ~ [Carl Robeson}
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Posted - 12/11/2011 : 19:23:54
Syzege & the moon went pink as the Earth eclipsed it. A sign in the sky,measured with declination,asimuth & altitude. So the moon wanes now. Waxing lyrical I've gone over this machine,describing it to a pedaler,preparing the action & script for video. It's new to him,so I questioned him ~ bizzare & incomprehenible! However it made sense,when explained & operating it gives the message in transferring human-energy to water flow // lifting,by sight,sound& the sensation of flying those foils,with spinning shaft,meshing gears,grumbling chain & turning cranks! He is impressed by the quantity. I've just got to wire the lights,rig the backdrop & let the camera roll. First go "walkabout";do something different then return refreshed;that's a plan anyway!Surprizes happen.
"It's a wonderful world" ~ [Nat King Cole.]
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Posted - 12/29/2011 : 15:11:11
2011 gone,hello 2012 ::This year will see the video started,I promise! The machine works,still 'fiddely-bits' to fiddle with & of course, the whole thing will get a rethink = remake from proto #1 of "PELOTON PUMP" First work it hard, that means two "gorilla-guys",who can stand on the pedals, holding handelbars to pull-up on as they push-down the pedal. Where will it break? Down by the riverside is where pumps can go; that's where the water is. Rivers' edges are fascinating,often beautiful,the flotsam for "Beachcombers" tells stories of floods, freshes & who had what upstream. I remember the year the caravan park washed downstream,plenty pickings,awnings,furniture,gas-bottles & stuff. Pumping from a stream requires care & understanding to avoid wet banks, which turn to mud ;slippery danger; eco-probs with erosion,scouring,turbidity & siltation ::also wear of the impeller//bearings. River banks can be stabilised & thats another blog! Posts to divert logs,if it's that bad. Fishnet [to keep them out] on poles or anchored,is the primary filter. Reo,chicken wire or mesh also::even coarse cloth hessian/shadecloth/mosquito net are progressively finer. If the water is for further purification then the more seived out before lifting into the seccondary filter the better. At the inlet I have been using a 1cm sq mesh,to keep junk out,which could get caught//damage the impeller; the impeller can pass 2 cm spheres.The enemy of these pumps is stringy-stuff,specially fishing-line &sail-thread, maybe even floss but why? The "HUMAN POWERED WATER FILTRATION PLANT" is being assembled; for multiple membrane to sand-bed::one ton a minute, using a 2m lift. In my travels I have seen plenty places where local water is dirty,could be cleaned,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Of course, tipping bucket to bucket with a cloth for filter,is the basic; then cloth with sand-bed & onto the sophistication of sosmosifying it. This is the "Beginners model"HUMAN POWERED for after the tsumani:during the floods & dry times when the billabong gets turbid. Further cleaning,with chemicals for flockulating sediment & UV disinfection are another blog! DESALINATION by human-power in hot-sunny-places by the briny; by lifting the water into a long shallow//wide trough::::perforated to "rain" below the trough whichis an air tunnel with another trough//gutter below. Another human-powered machine fans air through the tunnel saturating it with vapour from the salty spray:::this vapour is condensed to fresh by a heatexchanger cooled by the discharge or seawater, or electrostatics on mesh.A sun shade for the riders [going nowhere],even a PTO for a personal fan could be considered; while pedalling away for hours & days & a lifetime,you could think of many thoughts & a fan; well! maybe the sacrifice is worth it? New Year is here;optimistic hope that this gadjet is "out-there" soon & you'll understand more about water in a physical way to GRASP A CONCEPT.
"I finally discovered the source of all movement,the unity from which all diversities of movement are born." [Isadora Duncan]
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Posted - 12/29/2011 : 21:40:25
The "GORILLA BARS" are easy to attatch & adjust :: bamboo with cord//rope to the saddles supplied in the design ~serendipitous~ It's the boating attitude for having belaying points everywhere,in this case just the right height & spread to hold heaving up while pushing the pedal down as hard as your strength can do ~ not limited by gravity to your weight alone. Maximum flow will happen this way::this machine is capable of parameterising the input by measuring the output ~ RPM ,head ,flow translates to watts for instant power or work done over a period of time. It measures strength & stamina. In the gym I can vizualise rows of these lifting to various heights, splashing away storing energy for later or making waterfalls & other mezmerising water trickery to get alpha-rhythms while the metabolism reaches aerobic satisfaction! Well! at least you see//feel that you are achieving something for your hard work~it's tangible. Unlike the heat dissipating from the brakes od those huffin&puffin machines. Wonderlust calls for "Walkabout" Looking for new years' inspiration ~ wishing for you too HPV action!
How often-even before we began-have we declared a task "impossible"?And how often have we construed a picture of ourselves as being inadequate?.........A great deal depends upon the thought patterns we choose & on the persistence with which we affirm them. [Piero Ferruchi]
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Posted - 01/18/2012 : 16:18:30
Boats sink still & forever,Ohhh! that "Concordia", the "Titanic" for this centuary; vanity prevails & the bilge-pump failed to stem the flood of water ingressing the breach.This little pump I'm creating is for the lifeboats [about 10m long]::if they are swamped ,one ton a minute will de-water them after a while. I think I've got a design for the onboard or portable bilge pump;aimed at small vessels to 20m say. The mock-up shows the way,next make the working proto.The idea is to have the operator stand on the cabin-sole, hand cranking,or preferably two operators with out-of-synct cranks to handle the TDC//BDC 'dead-spot'.Standing with support at hips or lower-back in a situation,with a flooded hull say 1m water sloshing around on a dark & stormy night. You can see in the pics from "Concordia" that a major problem is floating detritus,which will bang-up the operators' body & block the pump. A solution is to have a 'gill-net' stowed for instant deployment;isolating the pump inlet & also the operator in a ring of net. However here is another trick & trap ~ a sinking boat with nets inside can catch you & drag you down [wear 'sleek' clothes] Yes I've been caught on a net down deep,while scuba tank was almost empty~the end was in sight & Im still screaming!! Here the summer is sweet,swimming in the creek is cool,surfing the break is exciting, while for you northers the ice covers the lakes & streams,what I want is to use this HPP [humanpoweredpump] to thicken the ice,by pumping water on top to freeze,giving smooth 'black-ice' for skating or strong enough for a helo to land on.Making ice to store for summer is what 'they' used to do,before refrigeration.You still can in a human-powered world,[if it's cold enough!] Lifting water to spread & flow down solar-heat-absorbing-surfaces is how to warm it. When/when the video?
"There is the risk you cannot afford to take,[and]there is the risk you cannot afford not to take." [Peter Druker]
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Posted - 02/16/2012 : 16:14:50
Pieces of the 'puzzle' are assembling.I have a collection of parts;eventually I recognise which goes with what to get a functioning prototype.The stanchon [pole] has arrived,4cm sg aluminium extrusion,with a telescopic innard to stand locked between the overhead & floor,the pump below & crank-axle above.One or two crankers stand athwartship,so that they brace to the rolling,sloshing of the free-surface-effect,while bilging @ one ton a minute.This is an effective rate of dewatering,using most of the available 'man-power',without being too exhausting.A vital feature is to be able to lift or disconnect the discharge-pipe;so the impeller can be cleared of debris//shear-pin replaced//impeller changed as the whole mechanism is slid up & down the pole,keeping it located,while 'chaos happens'! It's a human powered pump for survival in drastic circumstances,my//your boat//life could depend on it anticipating the requirements depends on my experience,understanding & imagination. I've been in a sinking vessel as mentioned at the start of this forum,that was minor event~"Concordia" was major & out of my league.The only option in that situation was to beach the boat,which eventually happened,if he'd done that immediately,lives could have been saved & the vessel salvaged."Boat Crash/Wreck Investigations"will reveal all!Decisions & actions using available resources determine the outcome. Now is my opportunity to create a resource for those who may need it & have the foresight motivation,means & energy to apply it. Buckminster Fuller inspired me yonks-ago,with his notion of "Space-ship Earth"::which I consider to be "Life-boat Earth". Every boat can sink;human-power is the "Last Resort",here is the equipment to use.On this IHPVA sight,we're all understanding that,of course!'Preaching to the "converted"'* Still scripting a video,delays drag.While the monsoon dumps floods all over this land & the northern hemisphere freezes.
"Strive as I might for the overview,this weeks Aquarian variations could present me with ego clashes,power struggles,control issues & larriikin tactics-along with delightful surprises,educational adventures & life-altering choices." [my 'stars' for the week]
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Posted - 03/23/2012 : 14:26:39
The lease is out ~ it's time to move,where to is a mystery just now! Hopefully the video will happen before this. I'm looking for a place near Sydney,to continue making & doing;set up a test-rig for pump//HEG performance;then produce more for field trials. Do you know anywhere suitable?
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Posted - 05/13/2012 : 01:34:44
I moved,sharing a house near the city~ The Pump Circus & all the other projects + tools etc stored in a container,now I go looking for a place to continue this developement. A shed in the suburbs or the bush,maybe an industrial place.I just need room to set upa testing rig,with a sump or pool,or at least where water can escape harmlessly. A quick rough video was made,soon to be edited & put online.
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Posted - 05/14/2012 : 04:12:37
New start in a new phase of making a satisfactory design for a HUMAN POWERED WATER LIFTING DEVICE [as the UNFAO calls it]. This is close to optimum performmance,as it is;there are several aspects to work on & fine tune;I know where these "leading~edges" are. Iteration::translated to a bunch of curves,shows how performance changes. It's the shape of the efficiency curve,where art forms~high & wide~for good performance generally or peaky for excellence @ a specific Q/H flow//head. "Nitty~Gritty" too much info!! The equipment is a test rig with variable head//flow//RPM//watts & ways of measuring each parameter The pump has a pipe in a closed circuit from discharge to the inlet,with a valve to change the head//flow. The power is measured by a dynamometer,ie. a variable speed elec motor is vertically mounted so that the whole motor is free to rotate;this torque is restrained by a lever or"torque-arm"to give a torque measure & this with RPM gives Watts the power! Meantime after the 'big-move' I'm on the road again~going walkabout to the bush for stars at night & a fire in the frost;inspiration ressusitation;touch the earth~~~~~~~~~~
"Always leave enough time in your life to do something that makes you happy,satisfied,even joyous.That has more of an effect on economic wellbeing than any other single factor." Paul Hawken.
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Posted - 06/01/2012 : 23:17:27
"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity.The creative mind plays with the objects it loves" ~ C.G.Jung. Well I've been playing with this pump thing & loving it! Now in hiatus~the working proto is in a box & I live in a small house. Next is to finally get the video streaming,cred is to be online in the first instance.Then get a shed//studio//space to make & do + test & experement::there is more & better ways::tweak for a higher performance::make proto #2 of 2-man OTP also Pole-Pump;then the high-lift,also peadlelec;washing m/c;pedalovac & other HUMAN POWERED MACHINES.Ultimately present it in a standardised,mass-producable product. Then let the "CHALLENGE" of what's the best performing HUMAN POWERED WATER LIFTING DEVICE be held. If the object is to get a WINNER so that it's finer features can be copied;we will benefit so that another aspect of HUMAN ENERGY is improved. I assume that ultimately this machine may be widely applied,where it is needed & for frivolous uses too! To get there a variety of evoloutions,adaptations,variants & developements get got by research. Testing is fundamental::parameters::numbers::curves::define the characteristic:::for a little APP ~ yes! Materials can be metal,Al,SS,MS,CI,brass. Plastic::blow mold//injection mold//vac-form//roto//cast. Fiberglass//carbon. Reo-concrete//terracotta/porcelain//glass. All this is poss! Then the little HEG needs the treatment,a bit of on-site application to leave it running for years & work out how to restore the performance as it wears. Replacable or shrinking diameter wear-ring to refurbish. Extendable impeller blades,which can be replaced in a hub,will give longer life.These can be plastic or Al extrusion [twisted] & other materials. Yes,I'm going to do all this when I get the resources & space ::meantime I'll look to my instinct.
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Posted - 06/21/2012 : 00:23:36
The end of an era,for me,moving on from a workspace in "angle-grinders' Paradise",by the seaport,airport industry &busy roads.It's in "the can",as in a TEU 6m container."The Pump Circus", a collection of mainly HUMAN POWERED MACHINES & you who read this stuff are 'the converted',you know why this is relevant today. The purpose is to get people in touch with water,in a novel way & as pumps are seccond most numerous machine on earth [after the elec moto]a better understanding at this fundamental level will lead to more "Pump-Geniuses" later,or at least an appreciation for efficiency,BEP,duty point & the mechanics. Between 20% to30% of world energy goes into pumps,a lot of them badly applied,worn & wasteful,this education will help improve the situation. Turning the tide of great expectations that we have to keep getting more motorised,energy consuming devices [for a benefit]. When you operate this - instinctive knowledge//experience is imparted :: So you learn,while you feel the force of water,see the mezmerising fluid dynamics & realize the energy involved with flying twisted foils in liquid,with a mechanical contraption. Anyway the plan is written,the 'team' is 'over the horizon',a place in the mountains is a destination,so the 'group' can ready the exhibit for a show.Where is the money? "Like an ability or a muscle,hearing your inner wizdom is strengthened by doing it"__Robbie Gass.-]
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Posted - 07/10/2012 : 03:45:07
We are all struggeling in our own ways! The world turns,my life is changing,like a butterfly out of a chrysalis,reborn to be a pump 'showman'to explain one tiny niche of human involvement::that'll do,but to do it well,nowadays an APP is needed ::yes that can happen.Head/flow/torque/power/RPM/efficiency can be woven into a family of curves to define PERFORMANCE. High performance & functionality is the aim. Pause//waiting//on hold//~action later~
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Posted - 08/16/2012 : 22:48:47
"Imagination may be a form of superconciousness,or perhaps of subconciousness~~I wouldn;t know.But I am sure it's the anthesis of self-conciousness." ~~wrote AAron Copeland.]in Artists' Way by Julia Cameron]. From imagining the possibilities the reality occurred,now stored in a container,with the video still 'coming soon'. now I'm imagining how I can get a trailer & put "The Pump Circus" onboard then go to a show,where the interest is sustainable,eco & the HUMAN POWERED ALTERNATIVE. Then this will be in a public domain for the mob to see,work it out,feel it,hear it & realise what the use of it could be. It's the questions I enjoy! Peoples' comprehension of pumps ain't much generally.There are many types & propeller [axial-flow] turbines are simple.It is how to mechanically connect 'legs in cadence' to a 12cm impeller,which is a problem solved & easily understood. The hydrodynamics of the flow in water passages can be seen through transparent components,with internal lighting,streamers & reflective particles.I've got a lot of answers,not all,so it's the unaswerable that will tease me beyond my 'comfort zone' into more developements. Things are still happening.
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Posted - 08/29/2012 : 00:14:53
pp.182~~~~~~~~"The Artists' Way"]J.Cameron[ "creativity is a spiritual practice.It is not something that can be perfected,finished,& set aside. It is my experience that we reach plateaus of creative attainment only to have a certain restlessness set in. Yes we are successful. Yes, we have made it,but ~ ~ ~ ~
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129 Posts |
Posted - 08/29/2012 : 00:30:31
But ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In other words,just when we get 'there',THERE disappears. Dissatisfied with our accomplishments, however lofty,we are once again confronted with our ccreative self and its' hungers. The questions we have just layed to rest now rear their heads again::what are we going to do ~ ~ ~ NOW? Pieces of a puzzle have been recognised,made or imagined:: I can see the "Pump Circus" Human Powered" make water do its tricks. I too get mezmerised by moving liquid,as I watch others 'loosen up' at the sight of a fountain & this thing can be a HP Fountain;just for fun!
Water // water // water |
129 Posts |
Posted - 09/20/2012 : 20:49:21
"Then said a teacher,Speak to us of Teaching." And he said:"No man can reveal to you aught but that which lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge. The teacher who walks in the shdow of the temple,among his followers,gives not of his wizdom but rather of his faith & his lovingness.If he is indeed wize he does not bid you enter the house of his wizdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind. The astranaut may speak to you of his understanding of space, but he cannot give his understanding. The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space, but he cannot give you the ear which arrests the rhythm,nor the voice that echoes it. And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell you of the regions of weight & measure,but he cannot conduct you thither. For the vision of one man lends not it's wings to another man [person].""~~The words of Kahlil Gibran~~"The Prophet"~~ Encouragement for you to go your own road & think for yourself,with originality! Ideas are flexible,concepts get into position,paradigms shift,so we adapt to circumstances. If your boat is sinking,you'll want a good bilge pump::here it is--taking shape.The teacher is the SEA ;a hard master with lessons to experience;going to SEA is like playing chess,'move-counter-move'you'd better be prepared to cover for that ultimate 'check-out'. In some ways I hope to be like the Teacher described above,some clues are here::more mysteries to reveal with this machine later.
Water // water // water |
129 Posts |
Posted - 11/02/2012 : 03:17:20
Yes!~I got invited to teach.Research in the Hydraulics Lab at a local University.Performing turbines::we investigate. I got a box-trailer,1.2X2.05m,carries a pump & gear,can be a tank 600 litres,use it for flow measure,sleep in it,mobile office for "THE PUMP CIRCUS",when on the road showing a show::another 'piece of puzzle'collected.A place to assemble it,test it & prepare ,after I take it out of the container,next search.Continues. "There is the risk you cannot afford to take [and] there is the risk you cannot afford not to take".~ ~Peter Drucker..
Water // water // water |
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