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129 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2014 : 21:58:39
It's the 'little ones' who are most fascinated by moving water;;so lately the little pumps have arrived to be setup for the visiting childers to try ,where I live;cooling sprays in this hot summertime,using a stirrup-pump,that's a start.
"And drink before lifes' liquour in its' cup be dry" !~~~ also~~OMAR KAYAAM.~~
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129 Posts |
Posted - 01/04/2015 : 22:22:07
Wreseleling in a tight space with a rubber impeller in a 500 Kw turbo V-8,two feet in the bilge;once again on the job in a vessel,which occaisionally starts filling from unexpected scources. So I prepare for that. In this case,a boat with three bulkheads,could flood the motor & float on the fore//aft compartments. A OTP hand-winder can be installed on a pillar, a post, a stanshon,telescoped between the bilge & overhead,stabilised by struts & stays,with a movable platform for standing on.So I'll make that ASAP. Human powered equipment,is this a new paradigm,do we once again do active physical work for other than gym sessions? It's a tool,useful when needed,irellevant to most. The whole topic of moving water in this way is obscure:; yes it's a twisted tale of flying foils ,tangled pipes,spinning gears & meshing chains,cranked by articulated limbs. Now fifteen year "Teenagers" of this century~~ Keep on Pumping"
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129 Posts |
Posted - 02/23/2015 : 17:51:40
Navigation of strategies is being considered,course to set for a desired destination of out comes. OTP bilger I owe to my fellow seafarers,for their 'dire-straights',when all could be lost,so perserverence happens,a result eventually::I do promise. As for the "HUMAN POWERED PUMP REGATTA" that's still a fictional fantasy,yes/but It may occurr! Meantime 'bushwhaking' & other issues is occupying time,plans form.
"Always leave enough time in your life to do something that makes you happy ,satisfied even Joyous.That has more of an effect on economic wellbeing than any other single factor.""~~~Paul Hawken~~~~
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129 Posts |
Posted - 04/20/2015 : 22:08:31
"STRATEGY NAVIGATION" is pointless as the point finds new horizons. Directions change as circumstances will. All I considered relevant was reassessed,is now finding ways to better results with a real chance :: Big developement in a hydrodynamic lab. near here open up scope for what I've hoped for to occurr. Understanding how to move water is a mysterie to most,well the physical object is the best teacher but now with CFD [computer fluid dynamics] & the 3-D printers this technology can be distributed :: with a CLICK! Yes throw it at the students for a "GLOBAL STUDENT CHALLENGE" and improve it,while they learn the 'ins & outs' of pumpinology [which somebody has to know about]
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129 Posts |
Posted - 06/25/2015 : 16:05:36
Yes the last boat I was on keeps on trying to sink in a variety of ways. So I renewed my Marine Qualification this week, noticing a big promo board on a wall saying "Aims & Objectives" of the department is to "Promote Safer Boating" for the boaters; I suggested that this beaurocracy could chuck a 'ton o money' towards making a better bilge-pump;; well you should have heard the laughter,Ho Ho as i went out the door! No joking ;I've got to perservere, however other priorities today. Tomorrow on the case;;yes definitely. Human power is an alternative to the gas-guzzling ,power hungry machines,which are causing this carbon dioxide in the air global-warming that even a Pope is carrying on about.
"When will they ever learn?" BOB DYLAN
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129 Posts |
Posted - 09/25/2015 : 00:14:45
I cut metal for the new model bilge pump. A positive action,tomorrow some welding.
Maybe I'm lucky to be going so slowly,because I might be going in the wrong direction. ~~~~~~~~Ashleigh Brilliant~
Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~James Thurber~~~~~
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129 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2015 : 16:43:18
"You see things; and you say "why"?.But I dream things ;which never were;and I say "Why not ?"~~~~~~~~~~G.B.Shaw~~~
OK so I did a mockup took pictures; it will work,hand cranked,while water rises up to your armpits,pump under your feet,so that's about 1.5m drawdown,which could stop the boat sinking. The pump & cranks are mounted on square hollow section tube,so they can slide up & down : if the pump clogs or jams,free the discharge pipe , slide turbine up get it going then slide it down ,back into action.Yes while the water sloshes around,in the dark,storm raging,boat sinking,Cape Hoorn to port.Dire circumstances,yes "Why not?" Maybe I could survive. A round the World yacht racer was in that circumstance when it's canting keel seal broke,"Movistar" by name,they saved it then but lost it later in mid Atlantic,same problem.How to solve the problem is my quest.
"Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not yet understood."~~~~~~~~~Henry Miller~~~~~~~
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129 Posts |
Posted - 11/29/2015 : 14:15:50
" It is through science that we prove but through intuition that we discover ". ~~~Jules. H .Poincare.
Yes navigation by instinct has been my course. Currently entering 'stormy seas',my ship is in danger of sinking,, metaphorical 'bige-pumps' are required. A safe haven for creative behaveiour is on the other side. I got three mock-ups of the real bilge pump assembled & photographed,next look at that,put it in water. I need to make one for rental fleets of open boats,which exist here, so the operator can chuck the pump in one after another to empty a rainstorm of water. the same pump should be capable of quick attatchment to a flooded power or sailboat.
"I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward." ~~~~~~~~Thomas Edison.
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Posted - 02/21/2016 : 20:38:39
"We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself."~~~~~~Lloyd Alexander~~~ I can agree with that quote, learning what I little expected ,more of that expecting the unexpected has got me on a new track,reinventing this unusual human powered pump to be another variant. Of course I'm still trying for an effective ,reliable,durable bilge pump, for the sailors 'last chance.' my "ship" of life as I know it keeps sinking,so I get distracted having to adapt to new ways to bail this bilge. I'm still floating,stormy weather has calmed,reefs are ahead,navigating on a new course, survival depends on pump design.Streamlines must be sleek;energy input for a rotodynamic pump depends on flying foils in fluid;it's the rate of twist in the foil which varies the tip loading,that is where the cavitation starts;the angle of attack too is affected by the shape of the leading edge. Thick leading edges can tolerate a wider range of angles of attack,but they drag down the peak efficency,it's a compromise which varies the shape of the efficiency curve. NACA profiles are the choice. Unashamedly dense technobabble // geekiness, it's relevant for this leading edge. Meantime the show is still not even near the road,,I seek inspiration. My 'stars' tell me "Before an arrows' shot is pulled back. When life seems to be pulling me backwards;that's the signal to focus my aim where I want to go. Being willing to start afresh opens doors of support;like I would not believe". ~~~SMH~~ OK so I have made a fresh start in a new direction & supportive energy is apparent. I cannot do this alone !
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129 Posts |
Posted - 03/17/2016 : 15:43:37
A wayward vagabond, wandering on another 'path less often travelled':: I got a gig to perform at a boat show for antique boats at a Museum [far away at the end of the world [as most of you guys know it]] Human Powered Vehicle [boat] propulsion. Simply sculling,wagging an oar,twisting it to make it a flying foil. I learned the skill,as a child on an island in a tropic sea,ever since extolled the virtues,wherby one can be self reliant ,when a motor breaks or runs out of fuel,the oar provides thrust,which gives headway to navigate,move it where I want to go. To teach people [to be able seaman] I tried writing,talking & demonstrating,all this proved to be confusing,with little result. Now I'm making a tandem oar rig,so two oars move in parrallel & twist in unison,by linkages. I operate the active oar,the learner holds the passive,feels the technique to 'swim' the foil,I do expect to achieve better results this way. That's the plan,the show is in a month,for three days,I set up the tandem=sculls on a dock,so the tryos can take turns & the spectators see it from a higher cirque. What's the point? Yes is my new address! As an ancient mariner handing over valuable skill on lifes' great stage,I go my way;like you IHPVA aficianados in these days of 'carbon footprints'you understand. Maybe IHPVA can have a new catagory for speed records? On Easter sunday at an island in a river,a group of HP boaters [paddle,pedal,oars only] have a boating competition for canoes/dories/dinghys:: I plan to have the sculling competition,timed runs around a buoy in the same boat.Be there! Archaic Antipodean dreams! A long hot summer~~~~~~~~~~
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129 Posts |
Posted - 06/01/2016 : 01:00:03
Aye, Aye, I got it right, many learned a skill they had vaguely heard about. Raised eyebrows & saucer eyes, opened in astonishment.! Here I am in a harbour where this sculling skill has all but vanished. I play the part of an ancient Mariner, passionate that the willing & able seamen can learn & use this ability. I am learning how to learn em! The show happened; three days at a Nautical Museum, I set up on a pontoon, scullocks [not rowlocks], which are essentially one decimeter semicircles, mounted horizontally, made of jigsawed ply one or two centimeters thick. I screwed these to a board & G-clamped the board to the wooden edge of the pontoon & one higher up on a SS ladder projecting above the dock. I made a tandem-oar with two oars linked to operate in parrallel & rotate at the same angle, so I could work the one & the learner hold the other ;; remarkably effective ,the 'hands-on' experience dispensed with all my verbose 'gobbledegook' chatter which I realise only confused them!.. THE STAR OF THE SHOW was a four metre lifeboat oar with a straight blade . I found that by moving it side to side with flat blade to start,almost horizontal, then putting on a bit of lift at each extremity, till ,cranking on more angle ,then letting it plunge, I got the water moving [stationary dock] & I worked it to the infinity curve [horizontal figure of eight] showing how the propulsion happened; & human power caused a vehicle to move.
So I hope more human powered vehicles will be on the move !
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129 Posts |
Posted - 06/23/2016 : 01:46:30
"The greatest risk a man can take is not to aim too high & miss,but to aim too low & hit" Michelangelo, he wrote that. My aim is to make the highest output human powered bilge-pump to perform in this world. Yes it is that already, but details remain for functionality. Performance can be improved::just wait till I get one of those 3-D printing gadjets, iteration & functional additions; The leading edge keeps growing further forward, I know where it is & how to catch up. Focus & application when I've done with a bunch of distractions. " "The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you." ~~~~~John E. Southard.~~~
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129 Posts |
Posted - 12/31/2016 : 21:07:25
"This is the year to make it happen" Just watch & see!. 2017 is NEW. The four-man [kid] pedaler is now assembled, Each crank 30* different so 0-30-60-90 degrees separation, gives the "V-8" effect,smooth torque on the driveshaft. I havn't operated it in this configuration yet. Soon, as usual !
"Sometimes we stare so long at the door that has closed, we miss seeing the door that is open".~~Alexander Graham Bell.~~
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129 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2017 : 23:56:18
"If you really want to do something , you will find a way" "If you don't you will find an excuse""! ~~~~~~~ Jim Rohn.~~~~~~
Progress is immanent, a change in the layout of the bearings , to make the alignment of the impeller in the ring happen with accuracy. Previously this required expertise now it's going to be automatic. Something that's been bothering me, so finally redesign & tomorrow weld a part & put it on. Then set it up in a tank & make that video. Somebody I know is sailing in Antarctic waters, closing Cape Hoorn: already she's had bilge water issues. I remember "Movistar" a round the world racer got a metre of bilge water in that place, before sinking in "Atlantis" later. Making a better bilge pump is my plan, no doubt there are more 'bugs' to be ironed out.
Anyway I'm still on the job.
& the pedal powered edition has grown so there are four sets of pedals with the cranks set 30* apart smooth torque !
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